Just say no to Amalgamation Yes
Times Colonist Letters
November 28, 2014
“Don’t be too quick to dismiss amalgamation,” Nov. 25.
Those who already realize the false hopes and myths about the supposed benefits of municipal amalgamation welcome the studies about amalgamation over the next few years.
Hopefully, the silent majority of residents in the region will soon speak out and forcefully reject the folly of this proposed experiment that will only cost taxpayers more money, diminish the quality of our existing local government services and be difficult to reverse if it is forced onto us.
The track record from amalgamations in Canada show that none of the benefits promised by Amalgamation Yes and their supporters will be realized here. Any cost savings from sharing services have already been realized through the regional services for sewer and water and other regional services provided by the Capital Regional District. Combining other municipal services will only cost taxpayers more.
There is nothing more to be gained and a tremendous price to be paid for going down the amalgamation road. In addition to the University of Victoria’s Bob Bish, other experts from across the country agree that amalgamation will likely result in:
• no cost savings or reduction in taxes;
• a bigger, more expensive and less efficient municipal bureaucracy; and
• a larger elected council with less knowledge about local neighbourhood issues.
The time is approaching for residents and taxpayers to speak out in a united voice and to just say no to Amalgamation Yes in order to preserve their local communities.
Guy McDannold
Times Colonist Letters
November 28, 2014
“Don’t be too quick to dismiss amalgamation,” Nov. 25.
Those who already realize the false hopes and myths about the supposed benefits of municipal amalgamation welcome the studies about amalgamation over the next few years.
Hopefully, the silent majority of residents in the region will soon speak out and forcefully reject the folly of this proposed experiment that will only cost taxpayers more money, diminish the quality of our existing local government services and be difficult to reverse if it is forced onto us.
The track record from amalgamations in Canada show that none of the benefits promised by Amalgamation Yes and their supporters will be realized here. Any cost savings from sharing services have already been realized through the regional services for sewer and water and other regional services provided by the Capital Regional District. Combining other municipal services will only cost taxpayers more.
There is nothing more to be gained and a tremendous price to be paid for going down the amalgamation road. In addition to the University of Victoria’s Bob Bish, other experts from across the country agree that amalgamation will likely result in:
• no cost savings or reduction in taxes;
• a bigger, more expensive and less efficient municipal bureaucracy; and
• a larger elected council with less knowledge about local neighbourhood issues.
The time is approaching for residents and taxpayers to speak out in a united voice and to just say no to Amalgamation Yes in order to preserve their local communities.
Guy McDannold