November 16, 2015
The Honourable Minister Fassbender
Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development
Minister Responsible for TransLink
Re: Greater Victoria Study on Amalgamation
Dear Minister Fassbender,
Further to the results of the July, 2014, Angus Reid poll on amalgamation and the non-binding question placed on the November, 2014 election ballots, the Hotel Association of Greater Victoria (HAGV) is asking you to coordinate an amalgamation study for the region. It was our understanding that the study was moving forward when Minister Oakes had the file hence our letter to check-in with you at this time.
The HAGV, an arm of the British Columbia Hotel Association, represents over 6000 accommodation rooms that includes Greater Victoria, Sidney, and Sooke generating millions of tax dollars and employing an estimated 4,000 taxpayers.
The association members, some of which are born and raised here, feel the existing governance is dysfunctional. Our Capital Regional District is powerless and over-worked, policing is insufficient and unsafe, administration and capital costs are inefficient, and urban planning occurs in silos. Our arts, leisure, and sporting facilities are inadequate. Arts funding is supported by only a few municipalities and destination marketing of the MRDT is fragmented thereby reducing its effectiveness. Endless red tape exists when groups want to bring events to the city but must coordinate with multiple jurisdictions. The sewage treatment plant, mandated by the Provincial government, is nothing short of a debacle. The over budget $100 million blue bridge has many users from other municipalities but the costs are owned by Victoria tax payers.
These are just a few examples of why this study needs to go forward. Our businesses are directly related to a region that is well managed and efficient. If nothing changes, the region will never reach its potential.
Thank you kindly for your attention. I look forward to hearing that the Province is moving forward with the study.
Yours truly,
Reid James
Hotel Association of Greater Victoria
Cc Premier C. Clark, P. Nursey - Tourism Victoria, B. Carter - The Chamber, Amalgamation Yes, J. Chase - BCHA, HAGV
November 24, 2015
The Honourable Minister Fassbender
Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development
Minister Responsible for TransLink
Re: Greater Victoria Study on Amalgamation – Second Letter
Dear Minister Fassbender,
I write to you again on behalf of the members of the Hotel Association of Greater Victoria, regarding the above. We are disappointed with your reported decision to consult the Mayors of Greater Victoria as a next step on the amalgamation question.
The root of our disappointment stems from a quote attributed to you in The Times Colonist last week, I quote “It is not the role or the intent of the government of B.C. to force anything on local communities that the local communities don’t want themselves.” From both the Angus Reed poll conducted in 2014 and the subsequent amalgamation question placed in front of the electorate in November 2014, of eight of the thirteen communities that make up the region, it seems quite clear what the residents of this region require of their Provincial Government.
We agree that it was regrettable that not all the communities had the question on the ballot. However, that in itself is very telling as to the motivation of those particular local politicians. Clearly, those five municipalities were not interested in the opinions of their citizens.
Our expectations of the action of the Provincial Government precedes your appointment to this portfolio. Your predecessor, Minister Oakes was quoted as stating after the 2014 municipal elections: “We made the commitment that if the citizens say, 'Hey, we really want to look at this,' we'll certainly make resources available," "We're going to be doing a governance study. It's hard work … it's going to be very, very difficult, but we're committed to doing that."
The situation in Greater Victoria regarding amalgamation is unique and cannot be compared to other jurisdictions. All we ask is that you conduct a study. If the results demonstrate that amalgamation in any form is not feasible then at least we know that the review was done and we can move on.
Minister Fassbender, many people have worked long and hard to get this far. The notion of amalgamation was well researched with solid data and numerous, well attended forums. The Angus Reid Poll survey showed an overwhelmingly desire for a study. Most importantly, of course, were the results of the democratic electoral processes. In the eyes of the residents of those local communities the study is a ‘fait accompli’. The people want the study and your government agreed to give them one.
I urge you to do what the people want and what your government promised, conduct a study on amalgamation.
Yours truly,
Reid James
Hotel Association of Greater Victoria
Cc Premier C. Clark, P. Nursey - Tourism Victoria, B. Carter - The Chamber, S. Jones - Amalgamation Yes, J. Chase - BCHA, HAGV
January 20, 2016
by email:
Dear Minister Fassbender,
Thank you kindly for your reply.
The Hotel Association of Greater Victoria is encouraged that you are continuing discussions with the region on amalgamation. Our expectation is that the government will conduct a study as they promised they would. As you are aware, the Liberal Party slogan states, “A Promise Made is a Promise Kept”.
We look forward to hearing more announcements in the near future.
Kind regards,
Reid James
Hotel Association of Greater Victoria