Esquimalt not ducking amalgamation issue
Times Colonist Letters,
April 26, 2015
Re: “Esquimalt residents favour review,” letter, April 24.
I am puzzled at the letter’s negative views.
At its public meeting Monday evening, Esquimalt council discussed how best to move forward with the amalgamation issue. There was no question in my mind that council would discuss and decide, not on whether to move forward on this important question, but how best to reflect the wishes of our citizens in the decision-making process.
As a result of our discussion and hearing from members of the public over the past several months, council determined that it would like to provide more opportunity to hear from residents, in the form of a town-hall meeting.
At the same council meeting last week, several suggestions for study guidelines were developed and a letter is being sent to the minister of community development to inform her about Esquimalt’s planned process.
I am baffled as to where the letter-writers got the impression that we were giving “voice to fear” in our discussion. No one is afraid. We are looking forward to thoughtful input, respectful discussion and fact-based decision-making. The meeting’s purpose was to plan the process to obtain the best information from residents for successful study outcomes.
Esquimalt has a successful track record of including residents in decision-making, and we are working hard to do this again with this important issue. I hope the letter-writers come and participate.
Barbara Desjardins
Mayor, Township of Esquimalt
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Times Colonist Letters,
April 26, 2015
Re: “Esquimalt residents favour review,” letter, April 24.
I am puzzled at the letter’s negative views.
At its public meeting Monday evening, Esquimalt council discussed how best to move forward with the amalgamation issue. There was no question in my mind that council would discuss and decide, not on whether to move forward on this important question, but how best to reflect the wishes of our citizens in the decision-making process.
As a result of our discussion and hearing from members of the public over the past several months, council determined that it would like to provide more opportunity to hear from residents, in the form of a town-hall meeting.
At the same council meeting last week, several suggestions for study guidelines were developed and a letter is being sent to the minister of community development to inform her about Esquimalt’s planned process.
I am baffled as to where the letter-writers got the impression that we were giving “voice to fear” in our discussion. No one is afraid. We are looking forward to thoughtful input, respectful discussion and fact-based decision-making. The meeting’s purpose was to plan the process to obtain the best information from residents for successful study outcomes.
Esquimalt has a successful track record of including residents in decision-making, and we are working hard to do this again with this important issue. I hope the letter-writers come and participate.
Barbara Desjardins
Mayor, Township of Esquimalt
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